
Teachers are Miracles.

There is no f*cking way that I can do this again for an entire year. I've spoken these words every June for the past 11 years. And yet, every August   I've managed to return with the blind hope and enthusiasm that accompanies a fresh start.  A school is this very strange place where a group of adults, generally without proper training, have to show up every day to keep an army of small humans who lack a fully-formed frontal lobe alive.  Teachers, along with so many others in public service careers, are a testament to human resilience. I both marvel at and hold great disdain for the miracle that is teaching within a seemingly unfixable education system that reflects our dysfunctional society. We struggle to retain teachers, making it impossible to build towards actually successful reform. Politics continues to infiltrate corners of the world  it doesn't belong so the only hope for school improvement is in grassroots movements spearheaded by disenchanted staff members huddli